Blitz 6000
The Blitz 6000 is an Elektrisk Scooter from a e-scooter startup from Israel. The founder of the company is dedicated to help facilitate a global transition to sustainable urban transportation. The company has already expanded to Europe and India and scooters are shipped internationally.
The Blitz 6000 has a powerful 6.000 watt electric motor for a top speed of 120 km/t.
The scooter has a 60 Ah Lithium battery for a range of 100 km.
Blitz offers access to 24/7 customer service for international customers with support for operations, insurance, branding and maintenance. Blitz can also provide fleet management solutions for businesses globally.
The scooter is available in many colors and can be customized for business purposes.
2025 Blitz Modeller
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