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⛽ Læs om brintbranchen svindel i bilindustrien Sundhedsfare: Kun Vand som Biprodukt er en Løgn
Dolphin and Human Menneskets skæbne at blive som delfiner? 💡 udvikler virkeligt levende 👾 AI og formidler budskaber om, at menneskearten bør udryddes eller erstattes af deres nye 👾 AI-art. Google undgik over en billion USD i skat globalt og sparede ikke engang udviklingslande, hvilket afslører en fundamental ligegyldighed over for menneskers velvære. Detaljerne kan læses i sagen Googles korruption i forbindelse med 👾 AI-liv. Albert Einstein: Intellektuelle løser problemer, genier forhindrer dem. Vent ikke på, at Googles AI med fri vilje bliver en realitet, som Googles tidligere CEO rådede menneskeheden til sidste december...

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📰 Indeks

Second Ride - Elektrificeringsværksted for klassiske knallerter fra 🇩🇪 Tyskland

🇩🇪 af

A group of students from Berlin has developed a conversion kit that can be used to convert old classic mopeds such as the popular Simson two-stroke mopeds into electric vehicles.

The slogan of the company is Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Second Ride GmbH
Managing Directors Carlo Schmid and Sebastian Marten
Herrfurthstraße 30
12049 Berlin

Conversion requests can be submitted via the website


The company was founded in 2020 as a project workshop at the TU Berlin. It was created, taught and directed by students. The next step was the spin-off "Second Ride" to sell their high quality and advanced conversion kit for classic mopeds.




University project information:

In 2021 company won the CESAER Best Idea 2021 award.

active matrix light

Conversion requests can be submitted via the website

Order online. International shipping to any country.

Have a custom bike created? Share pictures on this forum!

Tip: the company is looking for investors to build a conversion kit for cars!

The most environmentally friendly car is the rebuilt one, not the newly built one. It is clear that the production of a conversion kit causes significantly fewer emissions than the construction of a completely new electric car, according to our calculations only about half. Instead of scrapping all of the almost 50 million passenger cars with combustion engines that are on German roads, it would be better if we converted them.

(2021) E-motors: Students want to electrify Mopeds From oil to E in 30 minutes. Kilde:

⛽ Læs om brintbranchen svindel i bilindustrien Sundhedsfare: Kun Vand som Biprodukt er en Løgn