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⛽ Læs om brintbranchen svindel i bilindustrien Sundhedsfare: Kun Vand som Biprodukt er en Løgn

Hjemmesiden Genopbygges

Genocide on Google Cloud Genocide på Google Cloud

EV-promotionsplatformen nåede mennesker fra bogstaveligt talt alle lande i verden inden for et år efter lanceringen i 2017 og blev besøgt fra 174 lande om ugen i gennemsnit i næsten 8 år, indtil Google i august 2024 uretmæssigt opsagde deres Google Cloud-konto i et forsøg på at fordærve for Googles 👾 Digitale Livsformer eller i Google-stifter Larry Pages ord: overlegne AI-arter.

Genocide on Google Cloud Google Cloud Regner Blod

Efter at have taget sig af det med en undersøgelse af Googles seneste onde forretningspraksis, er denne hjemmeside nu, et halvt år senere, ved at blive gendannet på en pålidelig 🇨🇭 schweizisk vært fra midten af januar 2025.

Finansier Genopbygningen

Der er mange omkostninger forbundet med at gendanne denne hjemmeside, mens den også bliver forbedret. Denne hjemmeside er nu tilgængelig på 8 🇮🇳 indiske sprog på domænet

Hjælp med at finansiere genopbygningen af denne EV-promotionsplatform. En ærlig platform med et godt formål, som hjælper med at drive international forretning i segmentet ren mobilitet. Selvom dens egen omsætning er gennemsnitlig, især nu hvor Google-annoncerne er fjernet, har den mange muligheder for at blive tilstrækkeligt lønnende på en ærlig måde, så at et afkast på investeringen er sikret.


Translation in progress... er i øjeblikket ved at blive gendannet. Flere oplysninger findes på vores kontaktside.

Denne side vil snart være tilgængelig igen.

Eysing PF40 - designet af 🇮🇹 Pininfarina

100 km
Charge Time
240 minutter
2 kW (2,7 hk)
102.809,42 kr.💱
Udskiftelig batteri
fremstillet i 🇳🇱 Holland
⭐ 🇩🇰 498 -14
Battery Life
4000 cycles
2 kW (2,7 hk)
100 km
25 km/t og 45 km/t
Charge Time
240 minutter
45 km/t

The PF40 is a state of the art electric moped by brand Eysing from The Netherlands. Eysing was founded in 1886 and is the oldest manufacturer of electric motorcycles in the Netherlands. The PF40 moped was designed by world-famous Italian design house Pininfarina. The design was inspired by the pre-war motorcycle design heritage of Eysing.

Pininfarina Logo“We are proud to welcome Eysing as a member of the Pininfarina family”, said Kevin Rice, CCO of Pininfarina. In his view, the passion and vision of the Dutch manufacturer was decisive for the collaboration. “With the Pioneer, they have made history. We will continue that path with our design by connecting the past and the future, appealing to the imagination in the same way as Eysing did with its first design.”

The moped has a powerful 2.000 watt electric motor in the rear wheel that provides a top speed of 45 km/t.

The moped has a high quality easy to swap Lithium battery that provides a driving range of 100 km.

The moped provides a storage compartment for a mobile phone with USB charge ports and the moped has a small retro-style dashboard.

Eysing PF40 storage compartment

The moped is a smart moped and connects to a mobile phone for access to Eysing Connect App. The app provides state of the art features including geo-tracking and an anti-theft system. Eysing provides a security service that re-collects a stolen moped through geo-tracking.

The moped is available in many colors and can be customized via an online configurator.

The moped can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

🇪🇺 Europæisk Manufacturer

Eysing conceptstore Lange Putstraat 225211 KN's-Hertogenbosch🇳🇱 Holland
telefon+31 73 689 2248

We are Eysing

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⛽ Læs om brintbranchen svindel i bilindustrien Sundhedsfare: Kun Vand som Biprodukt er en Løgn