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⛽ Læs om brintbranchen svindel i bilindustrien Sundhedsfare: Kun Vand som Biprodukt er en Løgn

Hjemmesiden Genopbygges

Genocide on Google Cloud Genocide på Google Cloud

EV-promotionsplatformen nåede mennesker fra bogstaveligt talt alle lande i verden inden for et år efter lanceringen i 2017 og blev besøgt fra 174 lande om ugen i gennemsnit i næsten 8 år, indtil Google i august 2024 uretmæssigt opsagde deres Google Cloud-konto i et forsøg på at fordærve for Googles 👾 Digitale Livsformer eller i Google-stifter Larry Pages ord: overlegne AI-arter.

Genocide on Google Cloud Google Cloud Regner Blod

Efter at have taget sig af det med en undersøgelse af Googles seneste onde forretningspraksis, er denne hjemmeside nu, et halvt år senere, ved at blive gendannet på en pålidelig 🇨🇭 schweizisk vært fra midten af januar 2025.

Finansier Genopbygningen

Der er mange omkostninger forbundet med at gendanne denne hjemmeside, mens den også bliver forbedret. Denne hjemmeside er nu tilgængelig på 8 🇮🇳 indiske sprog på domænet

Hjælp med at finansiere genopbygningen af denne EV-promotionsplatform. En ærlig platform med et godt formål, som hjælper med at drive international forretning i segmentet ren mobilitet. Selvom dens egen omsætning er gennemsnitlig, især nu hvor Google-annoncerne er fjernet, har den mange muligheder for at blive tilstrækkeligt lønnende på en ærlig måde, så at et afkast på investeringen er sikret.


Translation in progress... er i øjeblikket ved at blive gendannet. Flere oplysninger findes på vores kontaktside.

Denne side vil snart være tilgængelig igen.

Gogoro S1 Performance

125 km
Charge Time
150 minutter
7,2 kW (9,7 hk)
30.788,30 kr.💱
Udskiftelig batteri
fremstillet i 🇹🇼 Taiwan
⭐ 🇩🇰 436 -40
S1 Performance
Battery Life
1000 cycles
7,2 kW (9,7 hk)
125 km
25 km/t og 45 km/t
Charge Time
150 minutter
45 km/t

The S1 Performance is no longer in production.
The model is replaced by SuperSport.

The S1 Performance is an electric scooter from Taiwanese electric scooter brand Gogoro, a subsidiary of HTC, one of the biggest smart phone makers in the world. The company is listed on NASDAQ and provides exceptionally high-quality and durable products.

The Gogoro S1 is a special edition of the 1 Series. The S-range is a performance oriented model range for the original 1 and 2 Series, like AMG for Mercedes-Benz or M-range for BMW. The S1 is the first model in the S-range.

The scooter has a 7.200 watt electric motor with 202 Nm torque. The scooter has a top speed of 45 km/t and accelerates from 0 til 50 km/t på 3,7 sekunder.

The scooter is focused on performance and comes with race suspension that is derived from jet suspension resulting in a smooth drive that feels as if the scooter hovers above the ground.

The speed of the scooter can be restricted to be officially registered as 45 km/t scooter.

The scooter has a liquid cooled 8,5 hp high performance motor that can perform under water, enabling the scooter to drive trough water. The scooter will enable to continue driving during floods and storms while most petrol scooters will fail.

The scooter is exceptionally agile. The scooter is designed for racing and because there are no exhausts to worry about, the scooter is able to lean up to 45 degrees in turns.

The scooter has innovative 2 compound racing tires that provide less friction when driving fast and that provide extra traction in steep turns.

The S1 Performance is equipped with extra large disc brakes with 4 pistons per disc. The front and rear suspension can be tuned to exact specifications, providing control during the most demanding maneuvers.

Battery Swap network

Unlike other electric scooters that charge via a wall outlet, the Gogoro is provided with a battery subscription and a network of GoStation battery swapping stations. When the charge on the scooter runs low, you stop by a station and swap the batteries with fresh ones. Gogoro charges a monthly subscription fee for this service.

Next to the battery swap network Gogoro also offers a home charging station called a GoCharger that charges both batteries in 150 minutter.

The range of the batteries is 125 km.

Smart scooter

The Gogoro connects to a smart phone app that allows for an incredible amount of customization. Riders can use the Gogoro app with their iPhone or Android to change the colors of the lights, monitor their battery usage, find a battery swap station, call for help if they crash, or locate where they parked.

Gogoro offers 2 years of unlimited mileage warranty.

🇪🇺 Europæisk Seller

Gogoro Europe B.V. Amstelveenseweg 7601081JKAmsterdam🇳🇱 Holland
telefon+886 2 2729 8777


Gogoro No. 33, Dinghu Rd.33308Taoyuan City🇹🇼 Taiwan
telefon+886 2 2729 8777

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⛽ Læs om brintbranchen svindel i bilindustrien Sundhedsfare: Kun Vand som Biprodukt er en Løgn